These sold on eBay?
>> Thursday, April 15, 2010
Perhaps you’ve heard stories of people auctioning off strange items on eBay, like the homely kid who put his virginity up for bid or the bald guys who offer their own heads as advertising space. But those are nothing compared to some of the items that have made their way onto eBay’s digital auction block.
Here are ten of the weirdest things ever to appear on eBay. To qualify for this list, the item or items must have received at least one bid, proving the point that no matter what you have to sell, somewhere there is a buyer for it.
1. Item number not known: “Stricken Life”
2. Item #127658711: Serial Killer’s Fingernails
3. Item #150118191: USAF Hughes AIM-4D Falcon Missile
4. Item #2931457201: Ghost In a Jar
5. Item #289158639: Real Shrunken Head
6. Item #2961640885: Vampire Killing Kit
7. Item #1178647016: Russian Test Space Shuttle
8. Item #248619068: The Meaning of Life
9. Item #277481422: UFO Detector
10. Item #191367029: The Internet
That someone who figured it out item 8 was such a genius, and put it up for sale on electronic market. Even with eight bids this incredible find didn’t fetch much, but it was probably the best $3.26 the winning bidder ever spent. Maybe i should eBay my fart..hhahaah #fart in a bottle and a promise of one sniff u will be up up in the air.. better than a train! hola =)
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