My Zodiac Sign

>> Friday, March 13, 2009

Aries, the ram is the first sign in the zodiac. It is a fire sign ruled by the planet mars. Those born between 21 March - 19 April fall under this daredevil sign... being an Aries this explain why i am>>>>

-Adventurous and spontaneous
-Confident and enthusiastic
-Loves a challenge
-EXTREMELY impatient
-Sometimes selfish
-Short fuse and easily angered
-Lively, passionate, and sharp wit
-Lose interest quickly and easily bored

-Courageous and assertive

p/s: u guys agree?


Anonymous March 14, 2009 at 3:39 PM  

AGREE!. . .like totalllyyy~~

Don't let that makes you who you are.

Pick up the good points and eliminate the negative ones. (:


My photo
Im hypocrite, enjoy creating poems for the eyes and i love cookies and ice-cream